Thursday, March 12, 2009

Asphalt skiing? No really.

Today I want to share another fitness tool I think is really cool. Yesterday we discussed iTRAIN a fitness tool used with your mp3/iPod. Click here to see. For me fitness needs to not seem like fitness. You know the type. It must be totally fun which is why I love the TRIKKE. For the fitness or the feeling - anywhere there´s pavement - whenever you want. Just step on and carve turns to go. Rip around in your driveway, or ski your neighborhood; turns any town into a ski resort. Pavement never looked so good. The Skiing sensation is delivered from Trikke CV’s carving action; Trikke CV leans into each turn while all three wheels remain on the ground.

Here is a testmonial or two straight from their site:
I just got back from a short TRIKKE session workout and thought I would fire off an email to TRIKKE. I have had my T8 for 9 months now and I must share with you that for a Surfer that is living inland for a season due to work, riding the TRIKKE is not only a great workout that keeps my body in shape for the times I get to the coast and back in the water, BUT, riding the Trikke is a blast!! I have all but stopped running to protect my knees and the TRIKKE is a perfect low impact workout and it sure gets the heart pounding in a short time. Riding the TRIKKE is like a blend of surfing, skateboarding, and snowskiing. I really like the ability to carve short turns and then lean into some wide flowing turns. By the way, I am 52 years old, surfing for 40 years. The young kids in the neighborhood get a big kick out of the \"ole guy\" on the strange riding machine. Feel free to use this testimony. I am sold on the TRIKKE.

Hands down, the Trikke wins. I have never had so much fun. Now and then, over my 60 years, I'd get myself hyped-up to start exercising, but I never found something that I would actually stick with. All the ways to exercise, and I'm on my couch saying, "Nope." Then I saw a Trikke commercial, said "what the heck," and got my first Trikke. And I fell in love. Everyone stops me on the street to ask about the Trikke, and my "patter" goes like this: "How does it go? Looks like magic, doesn't it! Almost zero impact! Shifting my weight from side to side moves me forward. I can work any muscle group separately or all at once. I can do almost nothing or go all out. It's so much fun that I can't get off this thing until I'm tired. The sensations are as thrilling as downhill skiing or surfing, but I have to tell you, trikking is more like being an artist than a jock -- you are thrilled to be in harmony with this machine." I have been caught. Caught hard. I come home drenched in sweat every single day, and I cannot imagine a better workout for all around general toning and muscle building. I haven't been this fit since Elvis was on Ed Sullivan. And it just gets better. The fun is constantly deepening, and I'm always improving my trikking skills, nuance by nuance, and I feel so fulfilled and satisfied -- finally I've gotten a way to get fit without being bored. See this big smile? That's me loving what trikking has brought to my life. Talk about "priceless." Get one. Get one. Get one.

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